Kalakriti School of Art & Culture (KSAC)

  An Institute managed by Kalakriti Foundation, Registered with Government of N.C.T. of Delhi.

  An exclusive school with a wide spectrum of creative activities for all age group from 4years to 40 years started in 1999 with extremely experienced, passionate and dedicated art faculties to train the students in different streams of fine art with the help of very friendly and creative methodology.

Art Education:

  Art is a process of fulfillment running through every aspect of life. It is vital to learning. Art provides a new way of seeing life. It is a way of meeting the challenge of the present projecting into the future in a creative, productive and joyful manner, which gives inner satisfaction. The aim of Art Education is to develop aesthetic sensibility among learners so as to enable them to appreciate the beauty in nature, line, colour, form, movement, sound, rhythm, harmony and balance. In addition to their intrinsic value, the arts give an insight into other aspects of life, helping children understand themselves and the world in which they live. The arts enrich our lives and in doing so, our basic values.

The major objectives of Art Education at this stage to:

  Help the child identify feelings, thoughts, emotions and fantasies as an interaction to the environment

  Help the child organise thought processes and experiences and express them through a variety of media

  Help the child discover and identify his own potentials

  Inculcate the habit and liking for self-dignity, originality, self-expression, individuality

  Help the child to develop a sense of expression, organisation and a sense of design

  Help the child to achieve a balanced growth as social being in tune with our culture, through project work

  Develop team spirit through group activities

  Develop appreciation and understanding of the cultural heritage of one another.

The purpose of providing a wide variety of activities, which are to be offered as a means of reaching the objectives, is to provide opportunities to develop the ability to perceive and interact with varied situations. The creative activities of the Art Curriculum should provide opportunities to children to come up with their day-to-day experiences, inner emotions and feelings. This leads them to be articulate in expression and presentation, which reflect the cultural, moral social values of the time.
